Programs and Experiences   Conferences and Publications   Funding Sources

Programs & Experiences


寻找暑期本科生的研究经验? The peak period for notices 这类课程的学习时间在12月到3月之间.


This summer experience combines an enviable environment with access to world-class researchers working in all areas of chemistry, at length scales ranging from molecules to extended materials. 这个为期10周的暑期课程将在5月底或5月初进行 June into early August 2024. 参与者将获得6000美元的津贴,校内住宿, and meals during the program. 申请审核将于12月初开始 一直持续到程序被填满为止.

HS-POWER Program

The U.S. 国土安全部(DHS)科学技术局 大学项目办公室为学生提供职业机会 面向本科生的劳动力体验研究(HS-POWER)计划. HS-POWER is open to students majoring in a broad spectrum of homeland security related science, 技术、工程和数学(STEM)学科以及 国土安全部任务相关研究领域 which includes social sciences. 本科生每周可获得750美元 10 weeks during the summer. 可报销住房和差旅费. Applications due December 15.

Armen Oumedian Fellowship

This fellowship is awarded to an Aquinas College undergraduate student majoring in any of the business programs and it supports the student in an experiential learning opportunity. 一位教师导师将指导学生的工作. Contact the Office of 有问题的学术事务.


For an Aquinas College undergraduate in any academic discipline, this fellowship supports 学生在组织中获得体验式学习的机会. The opportunity 可以在夏季学期、秋季学期或春季学期进行. A faculty 导师将指导学生的工作. 与教务处联系 questions.

Zoetis Internships

这家大型的全球兽医保健公司提供实习机会 夏天在卡拉马祖和其他地方. Competitive pay. Due dates vary.

美国理工科本科生实验室实习(SULI.S. Department of Energy

该项目鼓励本科生从事STEM领域的职业. Selected students work at one of the 17 participating national laboratories around the United 在工作人员科学家和工程师的指导下进行研究. 预约时间为10周,在秋季(8 - 12月),春季(1 - 5月)或 summer (May-August). Participants must be U.S. 公民或永久居民 将获得500美元/周的津贴,住房和旅行支持. Applications are due late May for the fall term, January for summer term and in early October for the spring term.

Texas Historical Commission

Various unpaid internships are available each year to provide undergraduate students 有历史文物保护工作经验. 申请截止日期为5月1日(夏季), Sept. 1 (for fall), and Jan. 1 (for spring).

Geoscience Policy Internship

对地球科学或地球相关工程专业有浓厚兴趣的优秀学生 in federal science policy are invited to apply for this semester- or summer-length 在美国地球科学研究所实习. Fall term (September-December), 春季学期(1月至4月)和夏季学期(5月至8月)都有空缺. 申请人必须具有在美国合法工作的资格. Interns are paid a stipend. 申请截止日期为4月15日(秋季). 15 (for spring), and March 1 (for summer).


Research internships are available in a variety of fields related to environmental issues. Participants receive $550/week. Applications are due Feb. 15 for summer projects (May-August), Nov. 冬季/春季(1 - 4月)收费15元,秋季(9 - 12月)收费6月1元。.


This program of the National Energy Technology Laboratory is designed to introduce 学生应对进行能源研究的挑战. Participants interact with 指定导师指导他们的研究活动. 我们随时接受申请; for best results apply by Feb. 6月1日(秋季),10月15日(夏季). 1 (for spring) appointments.


欢迎对博物馆专业及相关领域感兴趣的学生报名. 实习生与专业人员一起利用博物馆资源完成项目. Stipends 为期10周的课程费用从1000美元到8000美元不等. 无论是国际的还是国内的, 学生有资格获得这些实习职位. Applications are due Nov. 15 (for winter/spring), Feb. 夏季15日,秋季6月15日.

Cato Institute Internships

政策、传播或法律专业的本科生均可申请 秋季学期、春季学期或夏季实习. Interns are paid a stipend 在华盛顿特区的卡托研究所(Cato Institute)工作,每月1000美元.C. Applications 截止日期为6月27日(秋季),11月11日. 1 (for spring), and Feb. 15 (for summer).

NASA Internships

Undergraduate students interested in NASA-related research topics should apply for 这些实习,在NASA的各个地点举行. 实习生被分配给职业专业人员 mentor while working for 16 weeks (10 weeks in summer) on tasks that contribute to operations or missions. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens with at least 3.0 GPA. Interns receive a stipend. 申请截止日期为7月1日(秋季). 5 (for spring), or March 8 (for summer).


Offers undergraduate students and recent graduates opportunities to receive specialized 环境工程安全清理方面的培训和实践经验. Applications 在持续的基础上被接受.


Mainly focused on science and engineering, this national lab sponsors a wide range 每年为本科生提供带薪实习机会.


IWPR位于华盛顿特区.C.提供这个实习项目来培训本科生 在非营利部门的基础知识和政策研究技能的增长. Internships 在研究或会计和运营领域. These are paid internships 有灵活的时间安排,虽然通常持续一个学期. International 我们鼓励所有层次的学生和大学生申请. Applications 以滚动方式被接受吗.


PCCI位于密歇根州黑斯廷斯附近. 各种研究补助金和奖学金 for undergraduate students are offered during the summer including Environmental Research Grants (up to $13,000; pre-application due November), the Steeby Land Management Fellowship ($4,500), the Gordon Art Fellowship ($8,000), and the Nature in Words Fellowship ($8,000). 所有申请截止日期为1月底或2月初.

Amway Internships

Search the Amway Careers site for internship opportunities available to undergraduates. 机会跨越许多不同的学科,全年提供.

Aquinas Summer Scholars Grants

2023年的提案阶段现已开放. Proposals are due February 17. This program provides an opportunity for student-faculty pairs to pursue a collaborative project during the summer break. 项目可以来自任何学科. The program 包括1500美元的学生津贴和1000美元的教师导师津贴 each team. 要求包括在夏季结束时提交一份书面报告和演讲 在明年春天的学生研究研讨会上公布该项目的结果. The 申请表格可在弗兰纳里大厅接待处索取. Questions may be directed to Dr. Elizabeth Jensen ( 写作中心的工作人员很乐意为您的提案提供帮助.


Marguerite and Dennison Mohler established this scholarship to honor their life long interest in education. 泰德·汤普森(58届)为汤普森奖学金提供了资金 为了纪念他的护士妻子. 他创立了Xrite公司. This scholarship 是否适用于参与科学研究项目的学生 教员在夏季的几个月. 该奖项基于申请流程 via individual faculty mentor.


暑期实习生与Van Andel的科学家密切合作10周. The program 提供研究方法、程序和沟通技巧方面的培训.

在春季学期,一些十大赌博登录官网学生有机会工作 每周在VAI实验室进行10-12小时的研究项目. This internship is based on an application process via faculty mentors and Van Andel laboratory primary investigators. Biology elective credit awarded. 过去的几位参与者都有过这样的经历 additionally been awarded summer research fellowships and/or permanent jobs at VAI.


This listing is maintained by CURAH, the Arts and Humanities Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research.




This organization provides a list of opportunities for students interested in plant science.

Pathways to Science


Conferences & Publications


密歇根科学与艺术学院 & Letters

年会将于2023年3月17日举行. This conference will be held in a hybrid format. Abstracts are due December 19.

NCUR 2023

This annual undergraduate research conference will take place at the University of 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔校区,2023年3月13-15日. 邀请各学科的学生参加 提交他们的作品供展示. 会议还设有研究生院 fair and networking sessions.


Lawrence Technological University invites papers, presentations, and posters for this 活动将于2023年春季在南菲尔德校区举行. MICU student presenters will earn awards in a variety of categories and will network with industry professionals and academics. Registration opens January 1.

World Class Day

This international online research symposium celebrates student research of all kinds. 研讨会将于2022年5月27日至28日举行. 摘要提交截止日期为2月 28.


Mid-SURE is an opportunity for students to share their work with peers and faculty. 去年的活动有超过15个学科类别的代表. Mid-SURE will 将于2023年7月26日在密歇根州立大学校园举行. Registration will open in May 2023.


Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Honor Society invites students to present in the 年度科学传播竞赛. 学生研究会议包括 来自各个科学领域的学生.


2023年会议将于2月17日举行. Abstracts due November 1, 2022. Student 欢迎所有领域和学科的演讲. The conference celebrates academic, professional, and personal achievements resulting from undergraduate research projects.

大学生服务学习学报 & Community-Based Research

This journal publishes reflective essays, analytical essays, research done in partnership with community organizations, research articles, and other types of work by undergraduate students. 所有的手稿都要经过审查. Submissions are due Aug. 15 for the fall edition, Jan. 15 for the spring edition.

Fine Focus

Fine Focus 是一份发表本科生研究成果的国际同行评议期刊吗 in all fields of microbiology. Submissions are due Sept. 30 and March 30.


This peer-reviewed journal is edited and published by a team of students and faculty at Monmouth College. 任何学科的学生都可以投稿. Additional instructions for authors are available under "Call for Papers" at the linked website.



Funding Sources


The Fund provides a formal mechanism to financially support and encourage scholarly 学生在本科学习的各个领域进行的研究. It creates opportunities for unique and fulfilling collaborations between professors and students by providing grants to support necessary travel, research, data collection, lab expenses, and experiments. Every year the Fund provides money for up to five Summer Scholars that can work the 整个暑假都和自己选择的领域的教员在一起. Groups from outside 对物理科学的研究是非常受鼓励的. 赠款也可用于支付 在学术会议上发表研究成果的差旅费. In short, the goal is to make true scholarly exploration accessible to students who can’t afford to subsidize it on their own.

CUR Travel Awards

Several divisions of the 本科研究委员会 (CUR)提供资金,以支付本科生旅行到目前的研究 conferences. 十大赌博登录官网是CUR的机构成员.

Biology:最高可获得250美元的学生展示原创性的生物学研究 地区性或全国性的学科会议. 预产期是九月和一月.

Health Sciences: Up to $400 is available for students presenting original research related to the 在NCUR年度会议上. Applications are due February.

Psychology: Travel awards ($200) are available from CUR's psychology division to support undergraduate students presenting original research at 地区性或全国性的学科会议. 教师导师必须提名学生获得这些奖项. Nominations are due Oct. 15 and March 15 annually.

Physics & Astronomy: Up to $500 is available for support students presenting at professional meetings. Due dates are Sept. 15 and April 19.

Social Sciences: Up to $200 will be granted to students presenting at national or regional meetings. 申请将以先到先得的方式考虑.

Sigma Xi资助研究项目

Grants of up to $1,000 are awarded to students from any area of science and engineering, 天文学研究最高可达5000美元,视觉相关研究可达2500美元. Funding can be used for travel expenses to and from a research site or for purchase of laboratory equipment. 西格玛十一的会员资格不是必需的. Students from any country are eligible. 在链接的网站上了解如何提交最佳拨款申请. The 每年的两个截止日期是3月15日和10月. 1.


ACM-W provides funding for women undergraduate students in Computer Science and related 参加学科研究会议. 学生不需要做报告 一篇论文在会议上得到支持. 奖学金申请会被审核 每年6次,最高600美元(洲际会议1200美元)。. Certain ACM special interest group conferences will also provide free registration and a conference mentor.

这个资助机会允许学生和教师导师一起工作 在皮尔斯雪松溪生物站进行研究. This award 资助是由PCCI研究所提供的吗. 资助申请由以下机构联合提交 participating faculty and potential student research to PCCI for consideration and funding. 津贴3,500美元,外加现场食宿. >More Information and Past Research Findings