
班级排名由完成的学分决定. Credits in the current semester 尚未完成的课程不计入以下学时要求:
Freshman: 0 - 27 credit hours
Sophomore: 28 - 59 credit hours
Junior: 60 - 89 credit hours
Senior: 90 + credit hours


Full-time status is 12 - 18 credit hours per semester. Full-time students generally enroll in 15 - 16 credit hours per semester. To enroll in more than 18 credits hours 在一个学期内,你必须得到教务处/教务处主任的许可 Advising. Additional tuition charges will apply.

How do I drop and add classes once I have registered?

一旦你注册了一个课程,你可以通过 Self Service, as long as there are no holds on your account. If there are holds on your account, 你应该去注册主任/学术咨询中心寻求帮助. Be aware of 增减课程的财务和学术截止日期,你可以在上面找到 the Registrar home page

What is a prerequisite?

先决条件是一个特定的预备课程或课程或一些学分 you must have completed before taking a class.

Do I need to take a world language?

所有传统年龄的学生都必须精通一门世界语言的第二学期 students. 转学到十大赌博正规平台在线并获得60个或以上学分的学生 以及那些从认可的大学获得文学副学士学位的学生 机构不需要证明其熟练程度. 

What does it mean to audit a class?

要旁听一门课,学生必须正式被学院录取,并且必须支付一半的费用 the regular per-credit rate. 审核员应出席所有课程并参与 in the assigned activities of the class. Auditors may take all tests and submit assigned 用于评估的论文,但他们不需要这样做. Auditor status must be declared at the time of registration. In the event of limited registration, grade enrollees will be given preference. Not all classes are available for auditor status.

May I take a class for credit/no credit?

学生主修专业或辅修专业不需要修的课程可以有学分,也可以没有学分 basis. 申请必须在上课的第一周内提交给老师. 教师有权批准或拒绝该请求. Grades of CR (credit) 计入学士学位所需的120学时,但不计算 in the grade point average. 修读学分课程不得超过八门 toward a degree. Credit equals C- or higher; No Credit equals lower than a C-.

What is a major? What is a minor?

专业是由核心要求和选修课组成的指定学习项目 通常为同一学科的30至48学时. All undergraduate 学位(副学士学位及通识教育文学士除外); require the completion of a major. A minor is a designated program of studies made 同一学科的核心必修课和20小时以上的选修课. Minors are optional for most degree programs.

How do I declare my major?

网上主要和次要申报表可通过 Registrar Forms page. 请注意,填写此表格不会自动声明你的专业. 你选择的专业取决于系主任的批准. 一旦表格被提交,它将由你的预期主席进行审查 major and the Registrar/Academic Advising Center. If approved, the chairperson will 指定你的主要顾问,注册主任/学术咨询中心将处理 your declaration.

How many hours are required for a degree?

在大多数情况下,要获得学士学位,你必须完成120个学期的学分 包括完成一门专业,完成通识教育 计划,并有足够的选修学分达到最低120学分. You 必须达到写作和数学能力标准和居住要求. The Bachelor of Arts in General Education (B.A.G.E.) does not require the completion of a major. All other requirements apply. To earn an Associate of Arts or Associate 你必须完成60个学期学分的工作,其中包括 通识教育计划,达到写作和数学水平标准; and the residency requirement. 

What are the residency requirements?

十大赌博正规平台在线必须获得至少30个学期的学分. Credit by 考试学分、生活经验学分和CLEP学分不计入实习学分 requirement. 除非另有批准,否则你必须在学院全职上课 在毕业前的最后一个学期,完成至少30个 为了你在十大赌博正规平台在线的学位,最后60个小时.

How do I apply for graduation?

学位候选申请可以在注册主任的表格页面上找到 page, or in the office located in Hruby Hall Room 30. Students must complete the form 并交回教务长/学术指导中心. Students should complete 此表格于预期毕业日期前两个学期填写. Degrees are posted in May, August, and December.

How do I request a transcript?

正式成绩单可通过以下方式获得 National Student Clearinghouse. 2000年以前就读于十大赌博正规平台在线的学生可能没有这种能力 to order digital transcript copies.

非正式成绩单只提供给积极的学生. Students can obtain their unofficial transcript by logging into Self Service,点击“学术”,然后点击“非官方成绩单”.'

Can I earn a second Bachelor’s degree?

如果你已经从一个认可的机构获得学士学位,你可能会获得 在十大赌博登录官网完成至少30个学时的第二个学士学位 居住学分超出第一学位的要求,并满足所有要求 College and major requirements.

What determines Continuing Education status?

继续教育的学生是下列情况之一:接受教育的学生 中断(中断两年或两年以上的高等教育); (或高中毕业后四年或四年以上),连续的学生 全职工作两年或两年以上,并有资格自食其力 根据财政援助条例的定义,学生是退伍军人 武装部队,或持有学士学位或专业文凭的学生.

Any other questions? Please email us at registrar@wolaipei.com


Registrar's Office
030 Hruby Hall
Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
(616) 632-2871